Military gay pride t shirts

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Presented at Bailey Contemporary Arts Center (BaCA), the art from locals includes photography, paintings, sculptures, pencil and metal works, and mixed media.

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Members of ArtsUnited, an LGBTQ visual and performing arts organization, have created an exhibit of works using only black, white and gray. June 3 - “Black & White and Gray All Over” art exhibitīailey Contemporary Arts Center, 41 NE First St., Pompano Beach /baca and

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The deadline for registration is Wednesday, June 1. Tickets are $25 for nonmembers and $20 for members. Helping to kick off Pride month, Stonewall is offering a tour given by executive director Hunter O’Hanian on Friday, June 3, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Fort Lauderdale’s Stonewall bills itself as the “largest LGBTQ library in the world,” with more than 27,000 books, and the archive with more than 6 million pages of LGBTQ history from the 1950s to now (not to mention clothing from the likes of Ricky Martin and RuPaul).

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